Related: Video with PowerPoint
Want to:
- Add a little interaction to your presentations and take them up a notch?
- Show your students how to create interactive eLearning modules with one of the most commonly used slide show applications?
- Avoid complex VBA at least until you are ready to take that plunge?
If so, then this is the course FOR YOU!
As a former elementary computer instructor I found that what worked with my students often helped their teachers. In fact, a project-based, make and take was more effective for retaining skills than working the ribbons one by one!
THROW AWAY those canned slide presentations that come with the text! Teaching with creative, clear and interactive slides will give YOU the reputation as an engaging presenter. Primary Power Projects is Powerpoint unleashed. It’s the “Teacher’s Blueprint for an Awesome Class".
I can give you the template... and you will teach for a day. If I show you how to make your own, you'll INSPIRE for alifetime!
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