How to Build an Awesome Professional Network

How to meet new people and build relationships.

Do you envy your well-connected peers, and the opportunities and success that personal connections bring?
Have you read Never Eat Alone... but still hate networking?
For those of us who hate networking, it can seem like a fruitless chore. If this is how you feel about “networking” then to be frank: you are doing it wrong!
In fact I genuinely used to hate networking. Even the thought of the word seemed disingenuous and left a bad taste in my mouth. But then I spent years perfecting my ability to connect with high-level people, receiving constant benefits from these connections, and now I’ve literally written the book on networking. Who would have thought!
"Mike is a wealth of information on not only the technology that makes networking easier and more efficient, but he also has great stories of practical application from the start up world." - Michael Roderick
This course teaches you the exact process I’ve used to…
  • Meet fortune 500 executives, venture capitalists, and successful entrepreneurs.
  • Land a (unicorn-rare) nontechnical job at a startup founded by an accomplished serial entrepreneur
  • Become a regular contributor at Huffington Post.
  • Help people make connections that have led to jobs, promotions, partnerships, deals, friendships and all kinds of new opportunities.
Maybe you don’t think you have the credentials or nerve to talk business over coffee with today’s world shakers. Not to worry.
This course will get you started TODAY with creating relationships with dream mentors, with influencers, with those who can open doors, no matter what your starting point.
Hear what people are saying…
"A ton of information, well organized, and with a strong conceptional foundation (i.e. authenticity, mutual beneficence) and plenty of practical examples." - Thomas T. Berry
Mike was super prepared and very thorough. Redefined the way I thought about "networking." - Nick Zafonte
This course is NOT about sucking up to random people in your field, but rather specific, actionable methods for meeting high-level people and forming valuable, mutualistic relationships with them.
You will finish this class knowing how to...
  • How to meet people way "out of your league"
  • How to build personal and professional relationships with ultra-successful people
  • Avoid 5 Networking Mistakes you are making right now
  • Leverage LinkedIn, Twitter, and blogging best practices for creating opportunities
  • Use great tools and applications to make networking fun and not a chore
  • Understand how to balancing being a connector with other responsibilities
  • How to get started TODAY
Knowing and forming relationships with the right people inevitably brings tremendous opportunity, and this course will show you how….even if you have never spent one second networking before in your entire life!
Enroll now to start meeting people and opening doors today.
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