Perfect Relating: Successful Relationships in Just 3 Steps

Learn this simple method to maximize what you get from every relationship, whether family, friends, or professionally.

Would you like some slaves? Imagine you know what to say and do to get anyone to do anything for you. While this course may not make anyone your personal slaves, it will maximize the chances of you getting what you want in any interaction.
Building on the work of geniuses in relating such as M. Scott Peck, John Gottman, NVC with Marshall Rosenberg, Tony Robbins, and Bandler and Grinder, it brings communication and relating down to the very basics of the relating process, without any of the fluff or woo-woo one often finds in relationship courses.
Master interpersonal communication with "common sense" communication skills that are all but lost in today's society.
The first hard truth? There is no such thing as a relationship! There is no static, fixed way to connect to another person!
A relationship is a continuous flow of actions back and forth between two people. It can only thrive as long as there ismutual benefit.
And learning the three keys presented in this course will give you the highest chance of succeeding in your relationships.
It took me 20 years, two divorces, some nasty breakups, and learning from some amazing gurus before I developed the Perfect Relating system to maximize the chances of getting what you want in any relationship.
Through the presentation and included worksheets, go through the process that you should have been taught as a child to find out exactly:
1. What do I want?
2. How can I ask for it easily without fear?
3. And how can I easily help others move from a 'No!' to a 'Yes!"?
Check back often as content is added constantly.
If you have ever found yourself 'giving without getting' in a relationship, not knowing what you want or how to get it, or been labeled 'codependent', this course will help you find balance and happiness in your relationships.
Influence is not only 'getting people to do what you want' but doing so in a way that the both people are happier with the relationship afterwards.
Take your communication skills to the next level and sign up now.
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