The Ultimate Leader - Supercharge your business and people

Small changes make a big difference. Learn agile techniques to improve productivity, and keep your people happy.

Great leaders aren’t born, they're grown. They cultivate their own skills over time. Become a great leader with this course!
The best leaders magnify their team’s productivity. They inspire their teams to always be better, always be learning, and always solve issues before they become problems. They cultivate collaboration, not competitiveness. They help everyone combine their diverse talents and skills into innovative solutions and better products.
This course covers several topics. We recommend focusing on one topic per week. Each topic has a video and exercises to help drive the lessons home, as well as resources to explore further. Finally, for each topic, we give you a practical technique to implement in your business.
Coursework takes approximately 3 hours per week, for 8 weeks.
Who are we? Agile coaches and leaders with 20 years of experience building better teams. We have coached hundreds of executives and team leaders in these techniques. We know they work.
We give you our personal guarantee that this course will take you to the next level as a leader. If not, you have 30 days to get a full refund, no questions asked, from Udemy.
Original Price : $49
Yours : 100% Off (Free)
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