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Have you just started to learn software development in Microsoft c#? Have you learnt the basics but are now ready to see how Professional developers keep their code clean and maintainable? Are you hungry to learn the RIGHT way to build robust, stable software?
Do you want to take your career to the next level and earn the big money!?
This course will teach you how enterprise class developers create ' Best in Class' software, and how these principals will help you create software easier, faster and be less prone to bugs.
We will introduce the 7 SOLID Principals and modern day patterns that adhere to them such as Dependency Injection, MVC, Abstraction and Inheritance. We'll implement cleaner data access using the Repository Pattern with Entity Framework, which it turn makes keeping your code and database design in sync.
These are principals that scare some junior developers, but by using real world examples I'll show just how easy to master they are.
Over the lectures we will build the core functions of an ASP.NET MVC e-commerce site that grows to implement each technique, and once finished you will have the knowledge to create enterprise class applications of your own!
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