"Change is the only constant in the world" ~ Heraclitus
This quote is true more so now than ever before due to technological advances. Business leaders and their teams are tasked with "getting more from less" whether it is budgets or resources. Implementing change more often than not is difficult and emotional. However we can't avoid change otherwise we may get left behind. This course focusses on how collaborating with others can help implement change and help create "more from less" but also how collaboration can be the key to successful change
This course includes lectures, quizzes and downloadable notes sheets.
- The course begins by exploring change and the impact of change on people.
- Next the course defines "collaboration" and the benefits of collaboration.
- The next section focusses on the skills of collaboration.
- Finally students will be invited to reflect on their own skills of collaboration and what action they are going to take after the course.
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