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This course on mongoDB will give you a new perspective on how the NoSQL works and after you completed the course you will be able to create your own Apps using mongoDB. This MongoDB training course teaches you the tools and techniques needed to work within this cross-platform, document-oriented database system. Learn to create large scale data oriented web solutions with this amazing course on NoSQL and MongoDB. This course will teach you the tips, tricks and motivation behind the NoSQL database systems. It will teach you the concepts from ground up and will help you understand why the control of data is at times more important than availability. You will also learn about the best cases for NoSQL implementation which are real time web applications dealing with massive amount of data. The course will provide a complete new dimension to the traditional database developers and will help them design their systems beyond the constraints of RDBMS systems. NoSQL databases have received a lot of attention in the last few years and this course should be exactly what you need to get started with the wonderful world of NoSQL database. You will learn everything about MongoDB, even if you've never used it before.
You will start by learning how to install and configure as well as learning to use the Mongo built-in JavaScript shell. It will also teach you Conceptual understanding of Big Data, Conceptual understanding of Big Data, The NoSQL design approach and Test cases. Finally, this video tutorial will also teach you about MongoDB database management, Data aggregation techniques, Use of Node.js and Mongo DB to create web applications
By the completion of this computer based training course, you will have a strong understanding of how to use the tools available to you in MongoDB. You will be able to create your own Apps using mongoDB.
We will be covering the following modules in this course:
·Database and MongoDB
·Download, Installation and MongoShell
·Basic Concepts in mongoDB
·Commands and Mongo Shell
·Mongo DB - Schema Design
·Mongo DB - Sharding
·Mongo DB - Replication
·Map Reduce
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