Publishing a #1 Amazon Best Seller for Normal People

Learn how to write & publish a bestselling Amazon ebook in just a few hours: for non-writers & non-publishers like me!

Do you want to earn extra passive income now?
Do you want to be an Amazon Best Selling Author?
Do you want to grow your audience, get more leads, and live a better life?
This is the right place to be. This course is packed with simple-to-follow lessons that will get your book idea onto the Amazon Best Seller list in no time.
I am a normal person like you. I am not a writer. I had never published a book before this year. I had never made money from selling books on Amazon. I had never even finished writing a book before. That all changed. My first two books have risen the Amazon rankings and were #1 in the following categories:
  • Business & Money
  • Education & Teaching
  • Small Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Home-Based Businesses
  • Schools & Teaching
  • Distance & Online Learning
Why am I telling you this? Because you can do it too!
By the end of this course, you'll be laughing at how easy it is to make it to the top of Amazon's charts. I break down the entire process into 3 simple steps: Creation, Publishing, Promotion. Each step has various action items that lead to your overall success.
If you follow all of my steps, you will have a best selling book by the end of the course. These steps include:
  1. How to write an book
  2. What to include in your book
  3. How to format your book for only publishing (it's really easy)
  4. Choosing the perfect title
  5. Designing the perfect cover
  6. Outsourcing the writing of your book
  7. Uploading to Amazon
  8. Choosing the perfect categories for your book
  9. Using the power of free to jump to the top of the best seller's lists
  10. How to promote your book
  11. Where to promote your book
  12. How to make money on Amazon
Don't hesitate to get on Amazon. NOW IS THE TIME!
Amazon is a huge search engine. Millions of people are using it to do research. Not only that, Amazon users are there for a purpose - to purchase. You don't need to try to find customers. They're searching for exactly what you have to offer already. You just need to get your book up on Amazon as soon as possible. People will find you.
Seriously, if I could do it - you could do it!
  1. Scroll to the top of the page
  2. Hit that enroll button
  3. Learn the techniques
  4. Publish your own book
  5. Become a best seller
  6. Make passive income
It's as easy as that! After all of that, I'm sure I'll see you in the course!
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